4年間の半導体メーカー勤務を経て品川職業訓練校木工科で学ぶ。注文家具製作のキャリアを8年積んだのち、楽器製作をソングバードギターワークショップの遠藤雅美氏に師事。2005年に自身のブランド、CRAFT MUSICAをスタートし、2011年に埼玉県吉川市の現工房へ移転。木工技術の高さと美的センスに優れた楽器作りで多くのカスタマーを魅了している。

After working for a semiconductor manufacturer for 4 years, he studied at Shinagawa Vocational Training School’s woodworking department. He then spent 8 years building a career in custom-made furniture production. He further honed his skills in musical instrument production under Mr. Masami Endo of Songbird Guitar Workshop. In 2005, he started his own brand, CRAFT MUSICA, and in 2011, moved to his current studio located in Yoshikawa City, Saitama Prefecture. His high level of woodworking skills and aesthetic sense in his crafts have fascinated many customers.
