北米を中心に圧倒的人気を誇り、数年のバックオーダーを抱える。日本ではマンドリン奏者井上太郎とのデュオ、Taro& Jordanのギターリストとしてもお馴染み。


A luthier based in Winnipeg, Manitoba CA

McConnell Guitars has a back order of several years due to staggering popularity mainly in North America but also internationally. In Japan, he is also known as the guitarist of Taro & Jordan, a duo with Mandolin player Taro Inoue. The relationship between Last Guitar and McConnel Guitars dates back to 2014 when Jordan McConnel hosted a workshop in Japan. Since then, Last Guitar has been the only retailer of McConnel Guitars in Japan. 
