2000年アリゾナ州Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery卒業。その後アーヴィン・ソモギ氏のワークショップを受講しヴォイシングなどのギター製作メソッドを教わる。帰国後、神奈川県厚木市で地域の楽器店やミュージシャンのためにギター修理・製作を開始する。2007年に現在の鎌倉市に移転する。繊細さと頑強さを兼ね備えたギターは、ライブミュージシャンにも多く愛されている。
In 2000, he graduated from the Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery in Arizona. Afterward, he participated in a workshop led by Mr. Irvine Somogi where he learned various guitar-making techniques, including voicing. Upon returning to Japan, he began repairing and manufacturing guitars for music stores and musicians in Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture. In 2007, he relocated his business to its current location in Kamakura-city, Kanagawa prefecture. His guitars, known for their combination of delicacy and durability, are highly sought after by live musicians.